Wednesday, 20 November 2013


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The Joining is a rare and precious book. It possesses itself in simple confidence and serenity, as all works of art do. Perhaps our children require of us, that we should give them back the silenced story of our land and of ourselves ... [this] is a book of manifest magic.
Petra Grutter: judge, Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature, 1996

The San have been used most convincingly, and most originally, as a metaphor for the inner, mythic life which has receded so painfully in our time ... the concept of a ‘joining’ is ... a valuable contribution within this San metaphor. “The Joining” goes well beyond ordinary story-telling into the world of revelation. It is an original work of art.
Reader Three for the Sanlam Award, 1996

This is a book which I consider one of the ‘milestones’ of South African children’s literature ... it is excellently written, profound and exciting - and portrays the earliest history of our land in the way in which all children should absorb. 
Jay Heale, Cape Argus 

I am so glad that you wrote this book ... it is a glimpse of hope and light in a world that is so often hopeless and painful. I think that a lot of children (and adults) will read “The Joining” and be changed; they will walk away with hope and light.
Naomi Brice 

Lanklaas het ‘n jeugboek wat soveel diepte en begrip vasvang, op die rak verskyn - dis ‘n absoluut genot om dit te lees. ‘The Joining’ is ‘n aangrypende verhaal en ‘n móét vir lesers van twaalf tot viertien ... die unieke styl van Slingsby maak van dié boek ‘n wenner in meer as net een opsig. 
Ingrid Wagener, Beeld 

This is a most worthy prizewinner of the Sanlam Young Literature awards. 
Jay Heale, Bookchat 

Slingsby voer die leser saam met hierdie aangrypende avontuur ook ‘n stewige porsie goed nagevorsde inligting ... hy skep ‘n warm wêreld en geloofwaardige groep mense wie se hart klop met menslikheid, kundigheid en wysheid. Terselfdertyd lewer hy ook kommentaar op hoe die mens in Afrika sy nalatenskap vernietig het. 

The Joining is a book that needs to be read, and needs to be prescribed in schools, because without self-conscious attempts at being politically correct, it is profoundly so. 
Helen Brain, Mail & Guardian

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